
Strategically extend your Coupa platform to maximize investment and drive adoption.

Coupa App Marketplace Relish

Guaranteed Anti-Fraud Checks

All registering supplier data is validated, flagged, or rejected based on automatic multi-source spot checks. Relish Data Assure validates legal name, address, Tax IDs, bank information, up-to-date Sanctions lists like OFAC, and more. Custom validations are also available.

Save Time and Resources

Rather than looking up supplier data on each website, your Supplier onboarding team can focus on exception results brought back by Relish.  We take away the tedious but highlight when flags are thrown. Focus your efforts on those problems.  See press release.

"We're proud to have Relish on the Coupa App Marketplace to give our customers even greater supplier data integration and validation capabilities to reduce supplier fraud and eliminate supplier registration errors."

- Rodger Goulart, Executive Vice President of Business Development and Alliances at Coupa Software

Relish Data Assure automatically validates supplier data in 1-step

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Eliminate rekeying of supplier invoices into electronic invoices for AP

Relish's AI engines and OCR can turn supplier invoices of any format - PDF, Image formats, CSV, Excel, Handwritten or photographed - into Digital Invoices ready for your AP process.  Your team doesn't need to retype them in, worry about errors, or even teach our AI.  We'll do that!

Address invoice rejections and warning to suppliers before submission

Comparing the supplier's Invoice header and line details to the expectation in the Purchase Order, Contract, or Service Agreement will highlight any validation issues for the supplier to resolve before officially submitting.  Valid invoices generate fewer supplier rejections from your AP process. See press release.

"Relish Invoice AI gives our customers even greater capabilities to validate digitized invoices against the PO, contract, or vendor reference data."

- Rodger Goulart, Executive Vice President of Business Development and Alliances at Coupa Software

AI-Powered Invoice Digitization for Coupa Invoicing Management 

Discover how to extend your Coupa Platform with Relish

Coupa Sales Account Executive Portal